Senin, 10 Januari 2011

one!!!!! paket ninja saga masih work

langkah-langkah nya adalah….

1. hapus dulu internet chace nya (pada mozilla ada pada tool > clear resent history) atau supaya cleaning nya lebih bersih pake CCleaner aja download disini
2. buka browser kemudian buka ninja saga, setelah ninja saga terbuka, jgn buka apa2 dulu, shop, academy, kage room, pet shop dll
3. buka fiddler, kemudian drag aja semua file ( dalam bentuk .swf ) ke bagian auto respondernya ( check list enable automatic responses sama permit pass through for unmatched request )
4. kemudian main ns nya….
5. pasti bisa….hehehehe

cheat yang ane kasih kali ini adalah…..

* 1 hit boss hunting house, semua bos hanya perlu sekali pukul untuk membunuhnya, khusus untuk ape king sama turtle recruit dulu NPC level 100 yg ada pada shop supaya mudah.

* All enemy 1 hit kill (dummy)/ instant misi, semua misi dari level 1 sampai 60 berbentuk dummy jadi misinya lebih mudah donk, bisa juga untuk instan chounin dan jounin, cuma setelah selesai misi ujian chounin atau jounin refresh dulu ns nya, setelah itu liat profil nya, pasti udah brubah logonya…..untuk ujian chounin yg pertama (tertulis) gk usah pake fiddler, matikan aja fiddlernya……

* Recruit NPC lv.100, ini bisa dilakukan untuk melawan ape king dan turtle

* Pet 1000 gold, dengan cheat ini, harga pet yang semula 100.000 gold menjadi 1000 gold murah kan….

NB: naik level perhari jgan terlalu cepat, rawan banned terutama kalo udah jounin….

yang di butukan
-download di sini

selamat menikmati…..wondo oka


1. Download the required file from the link above.
2. Extract all 3 files out.
3. Open Fiddler.
4. Select all 3 files and drag them all into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
5. Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
6. Enter Ninja Saga. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if first time using fiddler)
7. If all 3 files are replaced correctly, visit the SHOP in Ninja Saga and go to Items.
8. You should see 3 items. Reset, 50M and Invite GODKNOWS team.
9. Just select the cheat you want. If you want to have both Ryuzaki and MissDex to fight for you, select GODKNOWS team. They are both level 100. Have fun.
10. For coins cheat, check your gear and sell for $$

topeng anbu

1. Download the required file from the link above.
2. It is in .rar format, so you will need WinRAR to extract the files out.
3. Extract them all
4. Open Fiddler.
5. Select file and drag it into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
6. Make sure ‘Enable auto…’ and ‘Permit passthrough…’ are both ticked.
7. Enter Ninja Saga….dont forget to clear catche
Take note: del char refresh browser choose hair style then turn off your fidder2 to make it work and refresh once again. YOURE DONE!
YAng dibutukan_
-1. Fiddler2 :
-2. Emblem dat :
-3. data_library_en :